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  • Moore, Patrick.
  • Astronomy -- Popular works.
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  •  Philip's atlas of th...
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    Philip's atlas of the universe / Patrick Moore ; foreword by Sir Arnold Wolfendale.
    by Moore, Patrick.
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    London : Philip's, [2005], c2003.
  • Astronomy -- Popular works.
  • ISBN: 
    0540082422 (hbk.)
    288 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), maps (some col.), ports. (some col.) ; 31 cm.
    Foreword / Professor Sir Arnold Wolfendale, FRS -- Introduction / Patrick Moore -- Exploring the universe: Astronomy through the ages -- Telescopes and the stars -- Observatories of the world -- Great telescopes -- Invisible astronomy -- Rockets into space -- Satellites and space probes -- Man in space -- Hubble space telescope -- Solar system: Sun's family -- Earth in the solar system -- Earth as a planet -- Earth's atmosphere and magnetosphere -- Earth-moon system -- Features of the moon -- Lunar landscapes -- Far side of the moon -- Missions to the moon -- Clementine mission -- Moon: First quadrant -- Moon: Second quadrant -- Moon: Third quadrant -- Moon: Fourth quadrant -- Movements of the planets -- Mercury -- Features of Mercury -- Map of Mercury -- Venus -- Mapping Venus -- Magellan mission -- Mars -- Missions to Mars -- Satellites of Mars -- Map of Mars -- Hubble views of Mars -- Search for life on Mars -- Pathfinder mission -- Asteroids -- Exceptional asteroids -- Jupiter -- Changing face of Jupiter -- Missions to Jupiter -- Impacts on Jupiter -- Satellites of Jupiter -- Galilean satellites-from Galileo -- Maps of Jupiter's satellites -- Saturn -- Rings of Saturn -- Details of Saturn's rings -- Missions to Saturn -- Satellites of Saturn -- Maps of Saturn's icy satellites -- Titan -- Uranus -- Missions to Uranus -- Satellites of Uranus -- Maps of the satellites of Uranus -- Neptune -- Satellites of Neptune -- Pluto -- Surface of Pluto -- Boundaries of the solar system -- Comets -- Short-period comets -- Halley's comet -- Great comets -- Millennium comets -- Meteors -- Meteorites -- Meteorite craters -- Sun: Our star: Sun -- Surface of the sun -- Solar spectrum -- Eclipses of the sun -- Sun in action -- Stars: Introduction to the stars -- Celestial sphere -- Distances and movement of the stars -- Different types of stars -- Lives of the stars -- Double stars -- Variable stars -- Novae -- Supernovae -- Black holes -- Stellar clusters -- Nebulae -- Hubble views of nebulae -- Universe: Structure of the universe -- Our galaxy -- Local group of galaxies -- Outer galaxies -- Quasars -- Expanding universe -- Early universe -- Life in the universe -- Star maps: Whole sky maps -- Seasonal charts: North -- Seasonal charts: South -- Ursa Major, Canes Venatici, Leo Minor -- Ursa Minor, Draco -- Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Camelopardalis, Lacerta -- Bootes, Corona Borealis, Coma Berenices -- Leo, Cancer, Sextans -- Virgo, Libra -- Hydra, Corvus, Crater -- Lyra, Cygnus, Aquila, Scutum, Sagitta, Vulpecula, Delphinus, Equuleus -- Hercules -- Ophiuchus, Serpens -- Scorpius, Sagittarius, Corona Australis -- Andromeda, Trangulum, Aries, Perseus -- Pegasus, Pisces -- Capricornus, Aquarius, Piscis Australis -- Cetus, Eridanus (northern), Fornax -- Orion, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Monoceros, Lepus, Columba -- Taurus, Gemini -- Auriga, Lynx -- Carina, Vela, Pyxis, Antila, Pictor, Volans, Puppis -- Centaurus, Crux Australis, Trangulum Australe, Circinus, Ara, Telescopium, Norma, Lupus -- Grus, Phoenix, Tucana, Pavo, Indus, Microscopium, Sculptor -- Eridanus (southern), Horologium, Caelum, Dorado, Reticulum, Hydrus, Mensa, Chamaeleon, Musca, Apus, Octans -- Practical astronomer: Beginner's guide to the sky -- Choosing a telescope -- Home observatories -- Glossary -- Index -- Acknowledgements.
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