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 Browsing results matching The obesity paradox : when thinner means sicker and heavier means healthier / Carl J. Lavie, M.D. ; with Kristin Loberg.
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 1. The obesity paradox : when thinner means sicker and heavier means healthier / Lavie, Carl J., author.c2014.
 2. The obesity paradox when thinner means sicker and heavier means healthier /[electronic resource] :Lavie, Carl J., author.2014.
 3. The obesity paradox when thinner means sicker and heavier means healthier /[electronic resource] :Lavie, Carl J., author.2014.
 4. The obesity paradox when thinner means sicker and heavier means healthier /[electronic resource] :Lavie, Carl J., author.2014.
 5. Obesity prevention for children : before it's too late : a program for toddlers & preschoolers / Eden, Alvin N., author.c2016.
 6. Obesity prevention in children before it's too late : a program for toddlers & preschoolers /[electronic resource] :Eden, Alvin N., author.[2016]
 7. Obesity reviews an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity.[electronic resource] : c2000-
 8. The obesogen effect : why we eat less and exercise more but still struggle to lose weight / Blumberg, Bruce, author.2018.
 9. Obey : e pluribus venom : the art of Shepard Fairey / Fairey, Shepard.2008.
 10. Obi-1 2 3 / Glass, Calliope, author.2017.
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