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 Browsing results matching Who was who among North American authors, 1921-1939.
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 1. Who was who among North American authors, 1921-1939.  c1976.
 2. Who was who in America.   
 3. Who was who in America with world notables   
 4. Who was who in American art 1564-1975 : 400 years of artists in America /  c1999.
 5. Who was who in American art : compiled from the original thirty-four volumes of American art annual--Who's who in art, biographies of American artists active from 1898-1947 / Falk, Peter H.1985.
 6. Who was who in American history, arts and letters.  c1975.
 7. Who was who in American history-science and technology : a component of who's who in American history.  c1976.
 8. Who was who in American history, the military.  c1975.
 9. Who was who in American politics : a biographical dictionary of over 4,000 men and women who contributed to the United States political scene from colonial days up to and including the immediate past / Morris, Dan.[c1974]
 10. Who was who in literature, 1906-1934.  c1979.
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