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 Browsing results matching The courage to be yourself : true stories by teens about cliques, conflicts, and overcoming peer pressure / edited by Al Desetta with Educators for Social Responsibility.
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 1. The courage to be yourself : true stories by teens about cliques, conflicts, and overcoming peer pressure /  c2005.
 2. The Courage to care : rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust /  c1986.
 3. The Courage to change : hope and help for alcoholics and their families : personal conversations with Dennis Wholey /  1984.
 4. Courage to change : one day at a time in Al-Anon II.  c1992.
 5. The courage to choose : an American nun's story / Griffin, Mary Annarose, Sister.[1975]
 6. The courage to compete : living with cerebral palsy and following my dreams / Curran, Abbey, 1987- author.c2015.
 7. Courage to dissent : Atlanta and the long history of the civil rights movement / Brown-Nagin, Tomiko, 1970-2011.
 8. Courage to dream Joseph, Frederick (Activist), author.2022.
 9. Courage to dream : tales of hope in the Holocaust / Shusterman, Neal, author.2023.
 10. The courage to face COVID-19 : preventing hospitalization and death while battling the bio-pharmaceutical complex / Leake, John, 1970- author.[2022]
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